Managing Workampers

Independent Contractors vs. Employees: An Issue With More Liabilities Than Benefits

For a variety of reasons, some employers prefer to hire independent contractors instead of employees. Many times, they see it as a way to save money on payroll taxes, unemployment insurance and other benefits federal and state governments require companies to provide to employees.

Yet, it can be a costly mistake to misclassify an employee as an independent contractor – an error that can result in heavy penalties and a nightmare of red tape if the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), state or federal employment agencies get involved.

You Have Hired Your Staff, Now How Do You Keep Them?

Many employers make the mistake of thinking the Workamper is just like their local hire. That just isn’t the case! Just as I encourage the Workamper to put themselves in the shoes of the employer to help them understand where the employer is coming from, I would encourage you to do the same.


Your staff is hired and they have arrived! They are ready for their next experience. This is one of the key elements in keeping your Workamper staff once you have them hired – they are ready for an experience!

How You Can Benefit From Having an RV Tech On Site

Do you have RVers who come to your operation and then leave due to technical problems with their RV? Would it be helpful to have staff that have training in general RV troubleshooting and repair working for you in your operation?

That is what RV Maintenance Technician Training is all about!

Imagine having someone on your staff - either a seasonal Workamper or local hire - who has been trained to provide your RVing customers with general RV maintenance...with the goal to keep them with you instead of leaving your business to find a dealership with a repair bay.

The Hours Trend

Over the past couple of years, a trend has developed that is hurting the quality of many employers’ Workamper programs: Asking for a trade of hours per week, that if paid, would equal more dollars than what is charged any guest for the long term campsite.

Work Agreements: Highly Recommended

All Workampers are not right for all jobs. Employers must screen applicants to ensure that they are suitable for the position being filled. During the interview process, employers should be certain that all applicants fully understand what will be expected of them. Problems between Workampers and employers are usually a result of miscommunication. Being clear up front can prevent misunderstandings later.

February 19, 2025

ExplorUS became a Featured Employer to share more details about their...

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Delaware North Yellowstone General Stores Summer 2025 (Dec)
December 10, 2024
January 13, 2020

Thank you for all the information and resources you provide. My husband...

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