The Hours Trend

The Hours Trend

Over the past couple of years, a trend has developed that is hurting the quality of many employers’ Workamper programs: Asking for a trade of hours per week, that if paid, would equal more dollars than what is charged any guest for the long term campsite.

It may seem like a logical place where costs can be trimmed by asking more from the Workamper for the trade, but over time it will bite the employer and their program. The business becomes known for its unreasonable hour expectations and this will, over time, make it difficult to attract the quality of Workamper desired.

Many employers who are abusing the trade out find themselves hiring only new Workampers each year (those who haven’t figured out the lifestyle yet).  They also experience a poor return percentage – or no returns for the next year.

Workamper News instructs the new Workamper to evaluate positions with a simple formula that we recommend employers use to make a determination of trade value (see chalkboard).









When this calculation develops a sum that far exceeds what should be a discounted long term site rate for the Workamper, the employer is stepping across a line that will ultimately hurt their program, or at the very least not allow it to grow into a great program.

Workamper News stands by our recommendation of 15-20 hours/week for trade. 15 hours X $7.25 (Federal Minimum Wage) X 4.25 weeks/month = $462.19 in value. If you are asking the same hours from each member of a couple it would double the value to $924.38.

Workamper News encourages the continued practice of trade for time and the development of fair and equitable trades to benefit business operations and Workamper experiences.

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