Developing Your Employer Image

Developing Your Employer Image


Your Employer Image can speak volumes to your future applicants.

If you could sit around a campground campfire with a number of Workampers how would you answer these questions after listening in?

  • What does the conversation about your company sound like around the campfire?
  • Is the information being spread good news for your company?
  • Are the Workampers sharing information that will help your future staffing?

The world we live in seems to attract negative conversations, more than positive. This stacks the deck against your reputation as an employer even if you are working to do the very best.

As you listen in to the campfire conversation hopefully you’re hearing words such as “it is a great place to work” and “they care about their customers and that also reflects upon their Workamper staff.”

The actions and customer service attitude is not just for some, it is for everyone, including your staff. The campfire conversation you hear is spreading good news about your business as they discuss how Workamper staff is treated; how the employer not only cares about their customers, but also their staff.

As you continue to build your business and strive to improve, keep in mind that your image takes time to develop, and can be tarnished very quickly through a few poor action choices. Your employer image will develop strength over time and when you hear words around the campfire such as friendly, caring, great communicators, integrity, quality, fun – your future staffing is being strengthened.

Input from past Workamper staff can be one of the most effective experience-branding tools you can have. Are you utilizing it to build your Employer brand?

As you begin working with your new Workamper staff this season, start planting seeds during conversations with your Workamper staff that you will be asking them for a letter of reference as they near the end of their work experience. These letters will be shared with future applicants as they are considering you for future opportunities.

Your brand will continue to strengthen with each letter of reference you have on file, just like the positive conversation around the campfire.

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