A Proactive Employer's Recruiting Schedule

A Proactive Employer's Recruiting Schedule


Workampers like to plan ahead, so begin recruiting 6 months prior to the start date of your job(s). Based on feedback from our Employer members, here are our recommendations. There is no guarantee these schedules will work perfectly as there are many variables, but Employers that are proactive and make a plan more often have an easier recruiting experience.

If you need Workampers for the SUMMER (jobs starting in April/May), begin your recruiting & advertising efforts in OCTOBER/NOVEMBER or no later than early January.

If you need Workampers for the FALL/WINTER (jobs starting in late Sept/Oct), begin your recruiting & advertising efforts in APRIL/MAY or no later than early June.

Recommended Advertising:

1-10 Workampers Needed -- Approx. budget $98

  • Two online Hotline ads (first month & third month of recruiting)

10-25 Workampers Needed -- Approx. budget $245

  • Five online Hotline ads (one each month of recruiting)

25-50 Workampers Needed -- Approx. budget $588

  • 12 online Hotline ads (one a month or run back-to-back)

50+ Workampers -- Approx. budget $1936

  • 12 online Hotline ads (one a month or run back-to-back)
  • Featured Employer website page ad
  • Online Jobinar (recorded live webinar presentation)
  • Website banner ad for 3 months (heaviest recruiting months)

100+ Workampers -- Approx. budget $5085

  • 12 online Hotline ads (one a month)
  • Featured Employer website page ad
  • 2 online Jobinars (recorded live webinar presentation)
  • Website banner ad for 6 months (heaviest recruiting months)
  • Small banner ad in Hotline email sidebar (consecutive 52 weeks)

*Budget is assuming you are a current Employer Gold member of Workamper News and any Hotline ads ran are 100 words.

Members are welcome to submit and schedule all of their ads ahead of time (set it and forget about it!). We will process them and make sure they are setup to run in your desired schedule. Members can also submit ads as-needed.

For details on the advertising options available, click here.  To submit an ad, please login first and then go to the ad submit process.

In addition to advertising via Workamper News, we recommend searching our online Awesome Applicants Resume Database and the Situations Wanted Ads ran by Workampers.